
Buyzone is restricted and you must kill enemy to get experience,if you have needed amount of experience, then you gain a Level.By the Level you gain more new guns and you can pick up that gun ,what is your Level of gun.This is not gungame!


gxm_enable "1" - Enable = 1,Disable = 0.
gxm_savetype "1" - Save Xp to : 1 = MySQL, 0 = NVault.
gxm_save "1" - Save Xp by : 2 = Name, 1 = SteamID, 0 = IP.
gxm_level_text "0" - Show your level by : 1 = HUD message, 0 = Simple colored text message.
gxm_xp "15" - How much experience gain, when you killed enemy.
gxm_level_style "1" - You will gain each level new gun : 1 = Yes, 0 = No,select your gun by menu.

gxm_triple "1" - Enable Triple Kill bonus xp? 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
gxm_triple_xp "3" - How much bonus xp give for Triple Kill?
gxm_triple_kills "3" - How much kills needed to give bonus xp?
gxm_ultra "1" - Enable Ultra Kill bonus xp? 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
gxm_ultra_kills "6" - How much kills needed to give bonus xp?
gxm_admin_xp "1" - Enable Extra xp for killing? 1 = Yes, 0 = No.
gxm_extra_xp "4" - How much extra xp give to admins?

gxm_show_rank "1" - Shows rank in /top20? 1 = Yes, 0 = No.

SQL cvars:
gxm_host "" - The host from the db.
gxm_user "root" - The username from the db login.
gxm_pass "" - The password from the db login.
gxm_dbname "gunxpmod" - The database name.

Type in chat: /menu or menu to show Main Menu of Mod!
Type in chat: /level ,to see your information, gxm_level_text then must be set to 0.Also /top20 to see top20 players of experience.
Type in chat: /ul,ul,/unlocks to unlock upgrade for your weapon or buy other misc stuff!
Type in console : set_level your_name amount_of_level. Example : set_level xbatista 10, to set your's/target's level .

If you are running other mods, then find this lines(in gunxpmod.cfg ( scripting folder )) and edit :
//#define NORMAL_MOD - Normal mod,means simple cs style without other mods.
//#define ZOMBIE_SWARM - Uncomment it if you are using Zombie Swarm and comment other.
#define ZOMBIE_INFECTION - Uncomment it if you are using Zombie Infection style mods and comment other.

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