Free Guns Configurator
Prsh ekipa zez 😃
Sot do shperndajm 1 plugin e cila quhet 'Free Guns Configurator' ky plugin mundson me jap arm free mas rundit tret (mund te editohet ne .sma). Ndoshta ju duket e zakonshme ama kjo osht e rall 😃 . Plugini permban multilingual support edhe .ini file. Ne ket .ini file ju mund te shtoni/hiqni/editoni arm nga me te ndryshme, keni gjithashtu mundesi per grenada. Ne link i kam paraqitur 3 arm, ama ju mund te shtoni sa te doni 😃. Kaloni mir 🙂
Hello black team 😃
Today we are going to share 1 plugin which is name 'Free Guns Configurator' this plugin provides you free guns after the third round (this can be edited on .sma). Maybe it looks ordinary but this is a rare one 😃 . Plugin contains multilingual support and a .ini file. In this .ini file you can add/remove/edit any type of guns, except that you can also edit grenades option. In link I showed 3 guns, but you can add as much as you can 😃. Have a nice day 🙂

Author: SayWhat!?

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